Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stupid Ears

Awesome. That's all I can think of to say. 72 hours before I take my first international flight, I get a freakin' ear infection. My ears generally have issues "popping" on flights so this a big help for me. At first I thought I might just tough it out but then I thought better of it. Luckily enough I was able to get an appointment at my family doctor last night. I was diagnosed with an acute ear infection in my left ear. I told the the doctor to dose me up. She gave me a steroid, antibiotic, and ear drops with hydrocortisone.

Awesome, simply, awesome. The guy who can't swallow pills now has to take the following:
- (1) High-blood pressure pill
- (1) Beta blocker
- (1) Allergy pill
- (6) Amoxicillin
- (1) Row of steroid pak
- (4) drops in each ear

Kille me now.


  1. Poor baby! I am so excited to see you! Be safe coming here and HURRY UP!
