*We woke this morning and decided to go to the beach. The drive took about 15 minutes and the park we went to was amazing. You parked and then had to walk a little ways to the beach through the sand dunes. The dunes were huge and had many little trails through them. We chose a path and just walked with the dogs. The views from the top of the dunes was breathtaking and we could even see a castle at one point. The weather was beautiful and the sand was just right. The shells here are quite different from the gulf and we collected some to bring home. As we were there, the tide changed quickly and I took the kids out to a sandbar. We had to cross water that only reached my ankles, but I thought my toes would freeze off in the short walk. There were Scottish children playing on the sand in the underwear and I have never seen skin so white! We found crab skeletons and claws and salvaged them before the dogs could eat them. Overall, the beach was amazing.
*After showering off the sand, we went to a coffee shop with Amber's friend, Jen, whom we just love. She is a teacher at the international school here and I pumped her for all the information I could because it sounds totally awesome. Maybe I will leave St, B and become a teacher abroad. The whole process was unbelievable. We then went to pick up Ian at his very cool office next to an Audi dealership. The seagulls were all over the place and Amber told us that they won't move for cars, so they have to be careful not to hit them. Ian then told us how his favorite seagull story is when he was going in to work and seagull walked by him with a sandwich in his beak, like he was going to work too. We came home then and Amber cooked dinner for us: Mexican, because why not come to Scotland and have Mexican food? It was awesome!
*Our plans for today are to head to downtown Aberdeen and see some churches, shops, museums, and churches that have been converted into pubs. I am excited for all of it!"
Sounds amazing!! I can picture everything exactly the way Brittney describes it. Especially the seagull on his way to work with the sandwich in his beak. That's funny...Good story Ian!